Telegram: European Oversight Goes to Belgian BIPT

Belgium is taking a central role in controlling content on Telegram across the European Union. The BIPT (the Belgian Institute for Post and Telecommunications) has been appointed as the supervisory authority for the messaging app, following its recent relocation of its headquarters to Brussels, as mandated by the Digital Services Act (DSA). Increased Control Powers […]
Telegram: what is cache and how to cancel it?

When a program or application runs on a computer or a mobile device, the data that is stored in the cache builds up over time, which, if not periodically cleared, it prevents the operation of a smartphone or tablet. This happens also with Telegram, then we InsideTelegram we are here to explain you what is […]
Telegram is no longer banned in Russia!

After two years and two months, the draft Telegram is not banned in Russia! After having tried for years to block in all possible ways, Telegram in Russia, the Russian authorities have finally decided to revoke the ban on the messaging application in the Country. If we think of the millions of dollars spent to lock […]
Telegram 400 million active users

You have understood very well today, Telegram has officially announced what we were waiting for a few days, that is, which was eventually to reach the quota of 400 million active users. It took 2 years and many sacrifices, many ups and many downs, but also a lot of effort on the part of all […]
How to check and get the badge on the Telegram?

Today, thanks to the initiative taken by Telegram, we can finally respond to this in a detailed way to the question: How to check and get the badge on Telegram? In these years, many have asked us through the group of InsideTelegram Lab, and even in private, how could they check and get the badge on […]
Telegram Desktop 2.0

In addition to Telegram 6 for Android and iOS was also released Telegram Desktop 2.0 stable version which brings with it some interesting and at the same time, introductory wording with what are the functions present in the mobile version. Yes, we know it is from the far Telegram Desktop 1.7 not palavamo of this […]
Telegram 6 for Android and iOS: folder, the statistics for the channels, and much more

After so many rumors and so many screenshots, it was finally released Telegram 6 for Android and iOS, which brings with it several new features. We would like to take the opportunity of this release, to return to the language of the updates Telegram within our blog. In fact, many have realized that and those who […]
Telegram 5.9 for Android and iOS: habemus stickers animated

In the past few hours has been released Telegram 5.9 for Android and iOS, which brings with it the stickers animated. For the uninitiated, the stickers have arrived on Telegram as far back as 2015. As well as, in reality, is already at the end in 2018, they spoke of their introduction, in fact, inside of […]
What do the green ticks mean on Telegram?

What do the green ticks mean on Telegram? That was one of the question I received after my speech at the Web Marketing Festival 2017 in Rimini. Obviously, there could not miss a reply published directly from the direct responsible, directly in the new project InsideTelegram. So, let’s not waste time and let’s go find […]
Tutorial on how to hide the last seen on Telegram

How can I hide the “last seen” in Telegram? This is one of the questions that I received after my speech at Web Marketing Festival 2017 of Rimini. In fact many people didn’t know that even Telegram allows you to hide the last seen on Telegram, function present in many and many other applications. As […]
What is a Telegram bot?

From 3.0 version of Telegram the bots have become a trend. A trend so much chatted that today we are here to respond to some users who have ask this question: What is a Telegram bot? We’ll try to be very fast in the explanation and we’ll try to not annoy you too much. So […]
Telegram is blocked in Russia

Telegram is blocked in Russia, but unfortunately, the fist used by Roskomnadzor after the verdict given by the district court in Tagansky, Moscow, does not seem to work. On the contrary, apparently, puts in crisis almost all of the internet infrastructure of the country. Yes, because apparently if they want to lock you out of all […]