In addition to Telegram 6 for Android and iOS was also released Telegram Desktop 2.0 stable version which brings with it some interesting and at the same time, introductory wording with what are the functions present in the mobile version.

Yes, we know it is from the far Telegram Desktop 1.7 not palavamo of this client within this blog, even if, in reality, in this time interval is not that we are detached from Telegram and its updates, and indeed we did a couple of tests and evidence to be used to the full scheme for our channel, the our supergroup Telegram, and especially the dear beloved

Although some versions of this part, the various teams and the various developers of Telegram are more or less managed to agonizzarsi between them, releasing almost simultaneously the various client-Telegram Stock, trying to bring the same news, this time we say that it is not exactly so. However, first of all, let’s see what are the news in Telegram Desktop 2.0.

Telegram Desktop 2.0, here’s the news

The changelog of this version is very simple and it shares some things in common with the mobile version, that is, Telegram 6.0 for Android and iOS.

Here’s the news:

Telegram Desktop 2.0 changelog

Other new features or deficiencies:

As we said before, with the introduction of folders, Telegram Desktop loses the function workmode. We say that is almost a must seen and considering the fact that the purpose of this feature was to hide the chat silenced. Then with the folders and the possibility to divide even more, the list of chat, automatically, this function becomes useless.

Compared to Telegram 6 for Android and iOS, at least for what concerns Telegram Desktop 2.0 for Windows and GNU/Linux not there are the statistics for the channels in Telegram, instead of Mac OS users seems to have the luck of having. In conclusion, there are users A and B series, at least this is what at this moment, the team Telegram is telling us.

Download Telegram Desktop 2.0:

You can download Telegram Desktop 2.0 for Windows, Mac OS and GNU/Linux directly from GitHub by clicking here , or alternatively you can go to the official website of the Telegram by clicking here.


We are at the end of this little post is dedicated to Telegram Desktop 2.0, we hope that these changes are to your liking, and will improve quality of life. Certainly there are many features to improve, or to bring within this client, however, say that slowly you are evolving and, above all, are following step by step updates of the mobile version. Things that in the past did not happen.

In the while we remind you that in the past we have dedicated some guides to Telegram Desktop that could come in useful:

We, as usual, I and all the team, we are waiting on our official channel on Telegram and in the channel InsiDevCode. Then if you have a few seconds to tell us your opinion on this update, we wait for you here under.

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