You have understood very well today, Telegram has been bolstered by a number, i.e. the number of active users in the last 30 days. Well this number has touched finally to the portion of 200.000.000 users active on a monthly basis.
In short, it took 2 years and many sacrifices, but also a lot of effort on the part of all those who, from the developers to the various communities around the world, to get to this height. In short, from the month of February 2016, which was announced in the record of the 100 million active users monthly, of water under the bridge, it’s been enough.
If Telegram were a country, it would have been the sixth largest country in the world. Let’s say that this, too, and this information is not the case, since very often made this comparison when they are touched, or reached a certain quota.
The nice thing is that these 200.000.000 users active on a monthly basis have been achieved without the development team and the creators of this ecosystem investing a penny of advertising. Then as has happened in the past for other apps and other ecosystems, the pass word is more powerful than money.
We stop here and we will see you in the next episode, because we expect the place dedicated to the Telegram 4.8.5 that has just been released and we have to finish to try. While we wait for your impressions in the comments below, and then as usual, we are waiting on our official channel on Telegram, but also in the supergroup InsideTelegramLab and in the channel InsiDevCode.