Telegram is no longer banned in Russia!

Telegram non è più bandito in Russia!

After two years and two months, the draft Telegram is not banned in Russia! After having tried for years to block in all possible ways, Telegram in Russia, the Russian authorities have finally decided to revoke the ban on the messaging application in the Country. If we think of the millions of dollars spent to lock […]

Telegram 400 million active users

telegram 400 milioni

You have understood very well today, Telegram has officially announced what we were waiting for a few days, that is, which was eventually to reach the quota of 400 million active users. It took 2 years and many sacrifices, many ups and many downs, but also a lot of effort on the part of all […]

How to check and get the badge on the Telegram?

verificare e ottenere il badge

Today, thanks to the initiative taken by Telegram, we can finally respond to this in a detailed way to the question: How to check and get the badge on Telegram? In these years, many have asked us through the group of InsideTelegram Lab, and even in private, how could they check and get the badge on […]

Telegram is blocked in Russia

blocco in Russia di Telegram

Telegram is blocked in Russia, but unfortunately, the fist used by Roskomnadzor after the verdict given by the district court in Tagansky, Moscow, does not seem to work. On the contrary, apparently, puts in crisis almost all of the internet infrastructure of the country. Yes, because apparently if they want to lock you out of all […]

Telegram and its 200.000.000 users active on a monthly basis

telegram 200 milioni

You have understood very well today, Telegram has been bolstered by a number, i.e. the number of active users in the last 30 days. Well this number has touched finally to the portion of 200.000.000 users active on a monthly basis. In short, it took 2 years and many sacrifices, but also a lot of effort on […]