Telegram is blocked in Russia, but unfortunately, the fist used by Roskomnadzor after the verdict given by the district court in Tagansky, Moscow, does not seem to work. On the contrary, apparently, puts in crisis almost all of the internet infrastructure of the country.

Yes, because apparently if they want to lock you out of all Telegram on the whole territory of russia (we are talking about almost a continent), are likely to put or have already put in trouble other services.

Telegram is blocked in Russia

No we’re not kidding, the fact that in the day of yesterday have been blocked, the beauty of 1.8 million IP addresses connected to the cloud services of Amazon and Google:

To these we must add those that have been blocked today, that is, 2 million IP addresses connected to the Telegram, plus a 1-million from Amazon and another 1 million Google

There trociamo in front of almost 6 million IP addresses blocatti that have half KO different services:

Source: User @House of OTI

To this list must be added, then services such as:


The day was also addressed Pavel Durov, who through his channel Telegram made the point of the situation:

In addition to the words of Pavel Durov, in these hours, we have been able to observe how the same Italian Section of Amnesty International intervened on the case of Telegram, this is because here we are faced not with a block of an application and its ecosystem, but for a state censorship. We invite you to read their press release and in the meantime thank you again @Daz for the tip.

It also said that the agency Roskomnadzor, immediately after the verdict of the court, not only has sent an e-mail (letter) to the companies Apple and Google, to remove Telegram from their store for the Russian territory, but has also exposed the project APKMirror, through Twitter informs not only Durov, but the world of this thing:


Between tweets, and various posts around the Russian channels, and not only to a certain point of the day comes to a twitter that has us freaked out a little bit. Namely, that of Edward Snowden, who some time ago had stirred criticism against Pavel Durov and the security of Telegram, critics weren’t too kind, but that today are unilateral action:


Basically Snowden congratulates the position taken by Pavel Durov against the choices of the Russian government.

The loss of traffic was there?

Officially, Pavel Durov to this response and this type of request has not given an official response, but in various Russian channels, it is reported that some internal sources to the Telegram they did know that the traffic lost from the ecosystem on the territory of the Russian federation is equal to 5%.

This is because apparently Russian users already in the past few days waiting for the court verdict will be in favor of the block, then there are many courses to the guards already using solutions like the bot @socks5_bot, that on the 7th of January 2018 had already reached the quota of 400,000 users, of course, between today and yesterday, the traffic supported and the coverage was about 8 million, something like 39.5%% of all traffic. It should also be said that the servers of this service have the right impact, even though it suffered a DDoS attack.

In addition to @socks5_bot, there have also been other projects/services similar that have offered the same service, and we speak of the bot: @tgvpnbot, @proxy_ocks5_bot, @PCK_RKN_bot and @veesecurity

traffic supported by the proxy bot with the ban of telegram in russia
Credit Images:


These data can be posi connected to the statistics made and offered by Tgstat, that of the opportunity see that the total coverage of the 10 channels larger and followed in Russia not only has not decreased, but even has grown. Only one of the channels in the top 10 has seen a decrease in views.

Watching carefully and doing calculations on average, the number of views is increased, with the percentage from fear, click here if you want to see the list of channels with all of the data views and their growth compared to the previous day, of course, on the website, you can go to ritróso and see a little bit of interesting numbers.

Considering the fact that now we are moving towards a block of almost 17 million IP addresses, and that Telegram is still in place, I would say that maybe someone in the house, Roskomnadzor has the wrong accounts and the strategy.


From this story, that will not end so soon we realized that Pavel Durov will not bend to political decisions, which is consistent with the idea of its creation (not to share even a bit of data with governments, or with third-party companies), and proves to be an example to follow.

We also had the opportunity to understand that the traffic generated by Russian users is equal to 7% of the users of Telegram in the world that today the range of users is between 12.2 and 15 million users on the territory of the Russian federation, with a strong consensus in the capital city of Moscow.

Surely the “work” to block all the Telegram on the territory of the Russian agency Roskomnadzor will not stop here and, unfortunately, we already know that tomorrow will give us work to do. Mr. Zharov ensures that the department already knows all the places and all the IP of the Telegram and its ecosystem (we doubt that is so), and then says that the work of block will end soon.

We wonder who will be the responsible who will have to pay for the problems caused by this block everything and everyone, as if it were a witch hunt. We also ask if mr. Zharov think that with the total closure of the Telegram on the territory of the Russian federation the “terrorists” will stop planning things.

We also ask if mr Zharov and his team of experts has put in the balance the fact that many companies between yesterday and today have had outages such as to lose their several money.

Surely mr. Zharov will not respond to us InsideTelegram and much less to those who of duty in his country, we are also sure that at this moment you are asking how is it possible that after almost 17 million IP addresses blocked Telegram works perfectly (by some lag every time there is).

telegram ip block
Credit Images:

I don’t know where we will finish, but this step and if you do not see a result that is desired by them, i.e. complete block of the Telegram on the territory of the Russian federation will end by the close of the entire Internet in Russia.

Well us for the time we stop here, now the word passes to you. Then leave us a comment below with your impressions.

As usual, we are waiting on our official channel on Telegram, but also in the supergroup InsideTelegramLab and in the channel InsiDevCode.


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